Sunday, September 8

5 Surprising Diseases You Can Get From Public Bathrooms

diseases, public bathrooms
Photo by Leungchopan from Envato Elements

1. A common cold

It’s most likely that you can catch a minor cold in the public bathrooms, but usually, it won’t be that bad. Influenza, more frequently referred to as the flu, is an infection caused by a virus that targets the respiratory system. Small particles of this virus are released into the air when someone makes simple actions like coughing, sneezing, or even just chatting. The virus can be acquired by directly breathing in the droplets or by handling an item or surface that the particles have landed on.

That’s why most doctors advise opening public restroom handles carefully by using a tissue or your elbow. After you touch a certain common area, if you haven’t washed your hands yet, avoid putting them on your face.

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