Thursday, March 13

5 Surprising Diseases You Can Get From Public Bathrooms

public bathrooms
Photo by manjurulhaque from Envato Elements

4. E-coli

Escherichia coli is a bacteria that causes the infection known as E-coli. Most frequently, this particular illness affects the intestines, but it can also affect other body regions. Constipation, vomiting, and occasionally diarrhea are signs that you may have come into contact with E. coli bacteria.
Direct contact with feces or food that has been tainted with them can spread E. coli. If you don’t thoroughly wash your hands after using the restroom, you run the risk of contaminating other people’s food or beverages. Ensure both your own and others’ well-being!

5. Hepatitis A

This particular strain of hepatitis spreads quickly and easily to other people. The majority of people receive a vaccine to prevent contracting this virus because it can seriously harm the liver. The main way that this virus is transmitted is by a person swallowing very small amounts of feces. Yikes! If this sounds gross and you don’t want to get this virus, try to avoid touching certain areas of the public toilet. And if you notice that the toilet bowl is way too dirty, don’t use it at all!
Compared to the other diseases mentioned above, symptoms only start to show once the virus has settled comfortably within the body. Loss of appetite, stomach ache, exhaustion, and black urine are a few of them.

Contrary to what you’ve read here, there is no need to panic and avoid entering public bathrooms for the rest of your life! On the next page, you will find a few tips on how to prevent getting sick when you still have to use public bathrooms. You won’t believe how simple it is!

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