Friday, February 21

Almond Milk: 7 Benefits and 5 Side Effects

Almond Milk
Photo by Rawpixel at Envato Elements

Supports A Healthy Heart

Including this milk in your diet can help you increase your intake of plant-based foods, which may help keep your heart healthier.

Some people promote plant-based diets because of their potential role in reducing the risk of cardiometabolic diseases, including heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. There was a study where 65 adults were separated into two groups.

The intervention group followed a low-fat, whole-food, plant-based diet, and the control group continued their usual diet.

The study deduced that there was a reduction in total cholesterol and a decrease in glycated hemoglobin after 12 weeks in the plant-based group compared with the control group.

HbA1c binds to red blood cells and guides the level of blood sugar control over a couple of months. Improved HbA1c and lower cholesterol levels can reduce your chance of developing any heart diseases.

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4 thoughts on “Almond Milk: 7 Benefits and 5 Side Effects”

  1. I like almond milk in my coffee, but I cannot do unsweetened. I switched from coffee, mate to silk, almond milk, crème brûlée or vanilla. This is great and much better and lower in calories than what I was previously using. But unsweetened I tried, and cannot do in my coffee.

  2. My son was put on a Low Carb diet to help with seizure control by his neurologist he recommended Unsweetened almond milk because it was low in carbs. Just so happened that I had been having digestion problems, my gastroenterologist told me that as we age we loose the ability to breakdown milk proteins so he suggested that I try Soy milk. I tried for a year but the matter only got worse! So I switched to Almond milk along with my son, and have had no problems.

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