Friday, September 6

7 Skin Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Photo by phugunfire images from Shutterstock

#4 A Mole’s Diameter Is Expanding

Regarding moles and other spots, size does matter, particularly if it changes. According to the general rule, a mole that is larger than the diameter of a pea or the eraser of a pencil may be a warning indication of melanoma. 

Despite the fact that they can also get smaller, dangerous moles frequently grow larger over the course of weeks or months. There should be concern about both changes. It’s important to keep in mind that cancerous moles frequently have borders that are ragged or uneven and tend to grow unevenly.

Remember that melanoma can spread quickly, so don’t wait for a suspicious-appearing mole to reach a considerable size before getting it checked out. On the other hand, not all large moles are necessarily cancerous; in fact, many people have large moles that are completely benign. These moles are frequently elevated, clear, light brown, or pink in color. It really can become confusing, which is why it is essential to regularly have skin screenings with professionals who know what to look for.

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1 thought on “7 Skin Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore”

  1. Thankyou for verifying what I think that I have heard before – so, I’m more encouraged to be cautious !

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