Sunday, September 8

7 Skin Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Photo by Lea Rae images from Shutterstock

#6 A Mole Is Raised

Moles can become elevated for a number of reasons. The most important one is that it’s a benign, healthy mole that you have had for a long time that is usually genetic and appears soft and occasionally wobbly to the touch. These benign moles often aren’t a cause for alarm, but they can age-relatedly fade or become darker and should be monitored for any dramatic change.

But moles that alter and become elevated may be signs of nodu­lar melanoma, which can spread quickly and become life-threatening. Early identification and intervention are essential for this reason. Schedule a skin screening appointment and let your doctor know if you see any moles that gradually enlarge.

1 thought on “7 Skin Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore”

  1. Thankyou for verifying what I think that I have heard before – so, I’m more encouraged to be cautious !

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