Sunday, September 8

7 Skin Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Photo by Nasekomoe images from Shutterstock

#2 A Mole’s Borders Are Irregular

Normal moles have borders, or “edges,” that are very even-shaped and circular. Get a professional skin check as soon as you detect that the margins are becoming ragged, changing from sharp to blurry, or are notched, scalloped, or smudged. A less-than-normal occurrence would be for the pigment to begin to expand into the skin around the mole. Once more, have it examined as early as you can. It can be an early-warning melanoma symptom.

So, keep in mind, round moles, spots, or “beauty marks” are normal and pose no health risk. Those that have a jagged or blurry edge may be cancerous or pre-cancerous developments.

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1 thought on “7 Skin Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore”

  1. Thankyou for verifying what I think that I have heard before – so, I’m more encouraged to be cautious !

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