Tuesday, March 11

Top 5 Causes of Toothache (and Cures That Won’t Break the Bank)

Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock
  • Ice packs

Even if they’re not antibiotics, these homemade cures will offer you some mild pain relief. And in case the toothache doesn’t go away, you might still want to see that dentist. One of the first things that’s very efficient when it comes to pain and inflammation is ice packs. The best way to use them is by wrapping a bag of ice or some frozen vegetables in a clean towel or gauze and holding it on your outside jaw for a couple of minutes. You can repeat the process every time you start feeling the pain again.

  • Saltwater

There is no other sanitizer better than regular salt. Even if it seems like a boring ingredient that can be found in everybody’s pantry, salt has some amazing properties when it comes to pain relief. Mix half a teaspoon of salt into 8 ounces of warm water (not boiled). Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds, and then spit it out. You can repeat the process a couple of times a day not only to reduce the possible toothache but also to heal wounds in your mouth.

  • Hydrogen peroxide

Affordable and easy to find in almost every drug store, hydrogen peroxide is one of the most trustworthy medicines when it comes to toothaches. But be careful and don’t rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide because it’s too harsh! Dilute it with equal parts water, be aware, and don’t swallow it.

Hydrogen peroxide is also very good if you have issues with your gums, especially periodontosis.

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