Sunday, February 2

10 Signs of Inflammation in Your Body to Watch Out For

Photo by fizkes from

2. You’re always tired 

In the last period of time, it looks like being and feeling tired is the core of every issue. It is understandable if you are not feeling fine, you are not motivated to do anything you have to. So what does being tired actually mean?

If you are not able to produce as much energy as you used to, it might be because you have several inflamed or sick cells. Even though it is normal to feel tired at the end of the day, if you wake up every day and you feel like your entire energy is gone, it is a clear sign that there is an actual problem.

…If you experience any of these types of inflammation, make sure to call your doctor for a consultation!

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1 thought on “10 Signs of Inflammation in Your Body to Watch Out For”

  1. Most of these symptoms seem to be involved with what I have, Porphyria (also called “Vampire’s Disease”. It is extremely difficult to diagnose and somewhat rare. It also, can be attributed to Hepatitus C, which causes liver damage. This makes it so that your liver is not able to process certain toxins from your body and they try to escape through the skin in the form of a rash. I was treated for the Hep C (which fortunately for me minimal damage was caused, due to the fact I had my Hep A and B shots prior to diagnosis). I manage the disease mostly by my diet and what other toxins go into my body. I am unable to process most pharmaceuticals, so usually use medical marijuana for pain relief when I am able. Also, minimal use of regular old aspirin. I have been dealing with this since diagnosis in 2000.

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