Monday, March 31

9 Worst Foods to Eat Before Bedtime

Photo by Caterina Trimarchi from

4. Alcohol

It’s a popular misconception that drinking a lot of alcohol can help you have a longer and deeper sleep. While alcohol makes you sleepy and sluggish, it does not help you have a more refreshing sleep. Alcohol can cause dehydration and interfere with sleep’s restorative capabilities.

Because alcohol metabolizes fast, you’ll find yourself waking up often when it wears off. Pre-bedtime alcohol has been shown in studies to diminish nocturnal sleep and increase overnight wakefulness. As an extra disadvantage, it worsens snoring, so keep that nightcap away from your companion, as well as yourself. Dehydration can even wake you up in the middle of the night and make you stay awake till dawn.

Otherwise, the bags under your eyes will remind you the next day that alcohol is one of the worst things to consume before going to bed. And if you already have trouble sleeping, alcohol might not be your best friend.

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