Monday, March 31

9 Worst Foods to Eat Before Bedtime

coffee tips
Photo by cliplab from

3. Coffee

The most obvious enemy of a good night’s sleep is coffee. That cup of coffee you drank with your coworkers after work will keep you awake for longer than you think. The effects might even follow you throughout the next day. Caffeine withdrawal is a real thing and can cause anxiety, headaches, or even concentration issues.

Each cell in the human body has its own circadian rhythm. The biological clock hums in the background, and as the sun sets and daylight decreases, your body is preparing for bedtime. Coffee appears to alter the functioning of your body’s internal clock when consumed a few hours before going to bed.

Although the effects of coffee wear off in 4 to 6 hours, everyone is different, and this does not mean your body is ready to release melatonin, which is necessary for a good night’s sleep. So check the time before drinking a cup of coffee, especially if you have something important to do the next day.

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