Wednesday, March 12

5 Signs of High Blood Pressure (and What May Cause Yours)

blood pressure
Image By JY FotoStock From Shutterstock

5 ranges of blood pressure

In order to be able to properly understand blood pressure levels, we should make sure that we can accurately read the two numbers that make them up. The top number we see on the machines we use to take the pressure is called the systolic pressure. This one indicates the arterial pressure when the heart beats and pumps blood through your body.

The bottom number, which is called diastolic pressure, is the pressure in your veins in between the heartbeats. Basically, the pressure in your arteries when your heart is resting in between beats.

As we can see from the chart, the pressure is categorized in five ways, and each one has a range in which the readings will fall. When looking at them, the normal and elevated pressures are not something that you should be concerned about. While it is not ideal to have elevated pressure, it is not something that is going to involve having to take medication, so the doctor may end up recommending you make some lifestyle changes to bring those numbers down.

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