Tuesday, March 11

7 Shocking Vitamin Deficiencies Linked to Anxiety

Vitamin Deficiencies
Photo by Tatjana Baibakova at Shutterstock

Omega-3 fatty acids

An unnecessary balance between beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and their inflammatory omega-6 counterparts can create multiple problems. 60% of the brain is made up of fat.

So, not fueling it properly has been connected to mood disturbances and many other mental health issues. Diets that are low in high-quality fats deter the body from creating high-quality cell membranes because they can only feed off what we ingest.

Omega-3s improve B cell activation and select antibody production, which is essential for lowering inflammation. These healthy fats can enhance brain function and foster a positive mood.

Experts say that an omega-3 deficiency has been known to cause attention-deficit disorder, depression, borderline personality disorder, and schizophrenia. To fight this deficiency, include these foods in your diet:

-Cod liver oil
-Flax seeds and chia seeds

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