Tuesday, March 11

Top 8 Surprising Diseases That Get the Wrong Diagnosis by Doctors

wrong diagnosis by doctors
Photo by mohdizzuanbinroslan from Envato Elements

4. Lupus

One of the most often wrongly diagnosed diseases on the list is lupus. Major organs can be damaged by the chronic inflammatory illness lupus, which also causes joint discomfort and a rash. Joints, kidneys, the brain, skin, and lungs can all be impacted by this disorder. It is challenging to identify this condition since it manifests in so many different ways and looks like other illnesses.

In the eventuality when a patient doesn’t necessarily get the rash it might be even harder to identify lupus. To identify this illness a doctor must ask for complete blood and urine tests along with other physical examinations. There is a treatment for the disease according to the symptoms, but because it’s an autoimmune disease, it can’t be cured.

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