Saturday, February 22

8 Effects That Multiple Sclerosis Has on Your Body

multiple sclerosis
Photo by wutzkohphoto from Shutterstock

Muscle weakness and balance issues

Lots of people with MS noticed various effects on their limbs. The damage that appeared in the myelin sheath might show in pain, tingling, and even numbness in the arms and legs. Also, problems with hand-eye coordination, muscle weakness, balance, and even gait might appear when the brain has a hard time sending signals to the nerves and muscles.

All of these effects might start slowly, and worsen as the nerve damage advances. Lots of people who suffer from MS first experience “pins and needles”, and can’t coordinate properly or lack fine motor skills.

In time, limb control and the easiness of walking might be disrupted. In any of these cases, canes, wheelchairs, and any other assistive technologies are helpful when it comes to muscle control and strength.

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