Friday, July 26

4 Caffeine Side Effects You Didn’t Know About

Did you know about these caffeine side effects that may affect your quality of life?

We all know about the most common caffeine side effect, which is anxiety, but can you name some other ones that could end up affecting you if you drink too much coffee?

Sure, we all like to start our day with a cup of Joe, but drinking too much coffee can lead to an increased caffeine intake that could end up having a bad effect on our lives.

Caffeine in general can have some very good health benefits, but it is all up to you to not get too much into your system.

Given that there are other types of beverages and even treats that could end up having a caffeine apport, having too much coffee on the side can end up affecting your sleep schedule, heart health, and even muscles!

If you are curious to know when caffeine becomes threatening to your health and what caffeine side effects you may be suffering from if you overdo it with this beverage, make sure you keep on reading!

Have you ever experienced any caffeine side effects? Let us know in the comments down below!

caffeine side effects
Image By Zenza Flarini From Shutterstock


When it comes to coffee, the most common caffeine side effect that some people mention is insomnia. While it can sound weird since most people end up drinking coffee in order to make the most of its staying-aware qualities, too much caffeine can lead to insomnia and a lack of restorative sleep.

Studies conducted have shown that a high caffeine intake can lead to subjects not being able to fall asleep as fast as usual, while also showing that older subjects end up sleeping less on average due to caffeine.

By comparison, those who have a moderate to low intake seem to not report the same type of effects, especially those who are known to be “good sleepers” and even those who are self-reported insomniacs.

It seems like if you have a high intake of caffeine, you can end up not being able to tell how much of a negative impact it has on your sleeping patterns.

When you take into consideration that the FDA-recommended maximum caffeine consumption for a healthy adult is 400 mg per day and that some energy drinks have around 505 mg per can and some energy shorts have 350 mg per serving, it is not hard to imagine why people can easily overdose on caffeine.

Do not forget that caffeine can be found in different types of beverages, not just coffee and energy drinks, and that it can take up to five hours to leave your system on average, with the low being one hour and the most being nine hours.


While caffeine can cause insomnia, it can also end up giving you a strong case of fatigue. This can seem like it goes against the fact that most caffeinated beverages (tea and coffee included) end up giving you a boost of energy, and that is why most people end up choosing them.

Yet, they can also end up giving you the opposite effect, as when caffeine leaves your system, you can end up having rebound fatigue.

Studies have been made to see how caffeine affects people and what the side effects are immediately after, and one such study has shown that rebound fatigue is more than just a theory.

A review of 41 studies has shown that people who participated reported that after they drank energy drinks that contained caffeine, the next day they reported being way more tired than usual.

Consuming caffeine can lead you to be more alert and in a better mood. To ensure that you are not suffering from rebound caffeine, you need to only consume it in moderate doses.

Do not go for several energy drinks and keep your coffee intake in the recommended amounts, while ensuring that if you drink different sources of caffeine, you do not go above the FDA-recommended 400 mg daily!

caffeine side effects
Image By Crabobot From Shutterstock

Increased heart rate

Caffeine is a known stimulant, hence why you may feel more awake and alert after drinking your coffee. However, since it is a stimulant, it can also end up increasing your heart rate, and when consumed in high amounts, it can permanently alert your heartbeat!

Atrial fibrillation, which is the medical name for a heartbeat rhythm that has been altered, has been observed over the years in a high number of young people who have been consuming extremely high doses of caffeinated energy drinks.

What’s more, in a case study, a woman took a high amount of caffeine powder with caffeine tablets in an attempt to leave this plane; the result from this high amount of caffeine ended up being kidney failure, along with a very high heart rate, along with other severe health issues.

Despite the medical papers that prove the fact that caffeine can end up spiking your heart rate, it is not a side effect that ends up occurring in all people who end up consuming a lot of caffeine.

It can also happen that people who are known to have heart issues end up being able to tolerate a high amount of caffeine without issue, while otherwise healthy people can develop these side effects.

No matter if you have any known heart issues, or if you have noticed that your heart has been beating irregularly after you drink any beverage containing caffeine, it is a good idea to cut down on the amount of caffeine you consume.


Caffeine can help you sustain your health, yet it can also become a habit to keep reaching out for caffeinated drinks.

An extensive review has proposed that while caffeine ends up triggering the same brain chemicals that dangerous drugs end up triggering too (like amphetamines and coke) when caffeine does it, it does not create the same type of addiction that these unregulated substances do.

Yet, this does not mean that you cannot end up developing an addiction to caffeine. The difference is that the addiction is physical or psychological, and it only manifests when we are talking about high dosages of caffeine.

One study has tested people who either consume large amounts of caffeine, a moderate amount, or none at all.

They were all not given caffeine overnight, and the next day they had to participate in a word test. The only participants who gravitated toward caffeine-related words were the high-volume users, and they were also the only ones who had a craving for the substance.

Other studies have shown that how often and how much caffeine you drink can create a physical dependency.

Studies have shown that those who are used to a moderate to high intake of caffeine, even after 16 hours without it, will develop side effects like headaches and fatigue, just to mention the most common ones.

There is no evidence that shows that coffee and other caffeine products can induce a true addiction, but regularly consuming large amounts of this substance can lead to the body and mind becoming dependent on the effects it has.

If you are curious to learn more about caffeine and the effects it can have on your body and mind, we recommend you read more on the subject. This study is available on Amazon for a good price, and it can answer a lot of caffeine-related questions!

Despite these caffeine side effects, you can still consume coffee and make the most of its health benefits, as long as you end up drinking it in moderation! One of the health benefits of coffee could include a lowered risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. To find out if this is the truth or fiction, make sure you read our article for the facts!

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