Monday, March 31

15 Things You Should NEVER Tell Your Doctor

doctor's visit
Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

5. I ‘Think’ My Blood Pressure’s Been Okay…

Do you monitor some health issues yourself at home? That’s a great thing! It can help your doctor determine treatment. For instance, regular blood pressure monitoring can signal any irregularities—but you need to tell your doctor this information.

According to UChicago Medicine, if you check your blood pressure or blood sugar on a regular basis, make sure you have a list of the dates of your readings.

6. Wait, I Know There’s Something Else…

Online doctor’s visits seem a bit more face-paced than when you’re sitting in your chair in the examination room. However, experts say it doesn’t have to be like this, and they also recommend making the most of your time.

Think about the things you want to say and the questions you want to ask your doctor, then write them down before your visit. This will help you not forget what you need to share with your health team. The last thing you want to happen is for you to end the call only to realize you have one more question you didn’t ask.

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