Tuesday, March 11

Top 10 Best Eating Tips for Seniors

eating tips
Photo by Cat Box From Shutterstock

6. Reduce sugar consumption

Do you know the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Whenever you feel the need to eat sugar, try to eat an apple. Reducing sugar consumption might be one mandatory eating tip for everybody, not just for seniors. Refined sugars are full of nutritionally worthless and useless calories that bring no benefits to your body.

Reduce the intake of sugary foods gradually and swap them out for naturally sweet whole foods like fruits, yams, and sweet peppers.

7. Avoid extra salt

We previously mentioned that herbs and spices give your food a delicious taste, and it’s better to avoid adding salt as much as possible. Salt, in addition to being bad for your kidneys and heart, can cause calcium loss and water retention. Believe it or not, a recent study shows that 40% of Americans consume at least 1.5 teaspoons of salt per day, which is far more than our bodies need.

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