Thursday, March 13

10 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Night Sleep

exercise sleep
Photo by RollingCamera from

Evening exercise

It’s true that exercise is known to improve sleep quality, but WHEN you decide to do it has a great impact on your circadian rhythm. There’s a 2019 study that discovered how exercising in the morning at 7 a.m. or in the afternoon between 1 and 4 p.m. might help you rest earlier in the evening, as exercises between 7 and 10 p.m. might be at fault for delaying the body clock. You should skip the evening workout if you can, and get your movement in before 7 p.m.

Mind games

Even if they might seem better as end-of-day activities, reading mentally or emotionally stimulating books, problem-solving, and emotionally intense conversations might make it more difficult to drift off to sleep.

As Jauregui explained, as long as the mind is stimulated, it really doesn’t matter how tired the body is. The mind will overpower the body and delay our ability to rest, resulting in restless sleep. So instead of performing mental activities, you should consider listening to some soothing music, taking a warm bath, doing a yoga session, self-massage, and engaging in meditation or even prayer.

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