Tuesday, March 18

Fat-Burning Foods: 7 Things That Will Help You Shed Off Pounds

fat-burning food
Image By LenorIv From Envato Elements

5. Coffee

…We are calling all coffee lovers because we have news for you! Coffee can help you burn more calories and achieve your weight loss goals!

If you can barely walk without having your beloved cup of java in the morning, it’s time to find out that the delicious drink you can’t survive a day without is actually one of your best friends when it comes to shedding off pounds.

The caffeine found in coffee has been hailed as a powerful stimulant that jump-starts your metabolism. And in fact, research from Switzerland indicated that after a quick caffeine boost, fat burning rose by 44%. Moreover, a University of London study found that one group who used 100 mg of caffeine daily burned an additional 150 calories.

Even though the results are good, you shouldn’t drink too much coffee per day because it can make you feel jittery and increase anxiety. Make sure you don’t add sugar or too much milk or creamer to your drink and limit your daily intake to 4 cups max! And before you ask, those cappuccinos or lattes from Starbucks won’t help you reach your goals!

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