Wednesday, March 26

10 Surprising Reasons to Try Mushroom Coffee Today

Have you ever heard of mushroom coffee?

You surely know that mushrooms are considered superfoods, thanks to their high protein content as well as the several vitamins and minerals they contain. Besides nourishing your body and boosting your immune system, this veggie has also been used as a miraculous ingredient in traditional medicine.

Mushrooms are already loved in different meals, but their popularity keeps increasing. Nowadays, one of the most popular drinks, besides regular coffee and matcha, is mushroom coffee. This drink is made with mushroom powder and (sometimes) coffee beans. Some people say it tastes like coffee; others say it’s even better. I think you need to drink it for a while to get used to the flavor because the first few times it tastes just like earth.

However, whether you like it or not, this natural drink has many health benefits. It’s usually made from varieties like lion’s mane, cordyceps, reishi, chaga, and turkey tail, and is exactly what your body needs to prepare for a busy day. I’ve teased you enough! It’s time to uncover all the wonderful benefits that come from a simple cup of mushroom coffee. Here they are:

mushroom coffee
Photo by Mushroom Coffee from Oleksandra Naumenko from Shutterstock

1. Reduce heart disease risk

If you enjoy walking up with a cup of beloved java in your hand but want to avoid feeling jittery and give your heart health a little boost, mushroom coffee is exactly what you need. According to various sources, this amazing drink can help lower your LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels, often linked to heart disease when they’re too high. At the same time, it can boost your HDL or “good” cholesterol levels, keeping your heart in tip-top shape.

The reason why HDL is considered good for your body is because it removes other forms of cholesterol from your bloodstream. Moreover, higher levels of HDL cholesterol are linked to a lower risk of heart disease, which is amazing.

2. Better blood sugar control

An early study hints that mushrooms might be the next big thing in blood sugar control, potentially helping with diabetes prevention and management. This research found that several mushroom varieties, whether whole, extract, or powdered, can help manage blood sugar in different ways.

Other effective ways to reduce your blood sugar levels are to get your Zzz’s in, watch your carbohydrate intake, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, and keep your stress levels under control.

3. Improve your immune function

Believe it or not, mushroom coffee is a wonderful way of reducing inflammation in your body. Mushrooms are rich in antioxidants and compounds called polyphenols, and when these are combined, magical things happen, aka helping reduce inflammation. Moreover, these antioxidants can help strengthen your immune system, which is always good.

mushroom coffee
Photo by Asier Romero from Shutterstock

4. Focus and mental clarity

Many people drink coffee to feel more alert, but if you want a more natural way to increase your focus and mental clarity, try drinking mushroom coffee. According to experts, lion’s mane mushroom is a wonderful blend known for its cognitive benefits. Studies say it can improve memory and concentration and enhance your mental performance. If you have a big day ahead and need some help, try this drink!

Moreover, since a cup of mushroom coffee only contains 50 mg of caffeine, you can drink this even after 4 p.m. when you need a healthy afternoon pick-me-up.

5. Better physical performance

Whether you’re an athlete who’s looking to improve your physical performance or you’re someone who wants to increase your energy levels naturally, mushroom coffee can help you achieve your desired results.

According to experts, you should look for a special coffee made of cordyceps mushrooms because they’re known for boosting energy and enhancing athletic performance. The best part is that this incredible drink will benefit your mind and body!

Say goodbye to brain fog and feeling sluggish! Mushroom coffee will take care of your problems for you! However, don’t expect results to come overnight. Pay attention, give yourself time to adjust to this change, and you’ll feel better than ever!

6. Adaptogenic effects

Have you ever heard of adaptogens? These substances help reduce the negative effects of stress on your body. Moreover, they can also provide extra benefits and strengthen your body’s ability to withstand stress.

If you want to receive all of these benefits, you should look for mushroom coffees made of cordyceps and reishi, because they’re some of the most popular and effective adaptogens. Enjoying this drink regularly can help reduce fatigue, keep mood swings at bay, and improve your overall stress response.

…Do you want to give mushroom coffee a try and see if it makes a difference in how you perform daily? Then I recommend you try this blend from Biofusyn. It’s made of lion’s mane, cordyceps, reishi, turkey tail, and chaga.

mushroom coffee
Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock

7. Digestive health

As you can see, mushroom coffee has several health benefits, so no wonder people drink it daily. If you have problems with your gut and want to feel better, this drink is exactly what you need. Your gut health helps your body digest the foods you eat, absorb nutrients, and use them as fuel for your activities.

When your gut doesn’t do its job properly and your immune system isn’t working as it should, you’ll have a harder time staying healthy because your hormones and serotonin will be all over the place.

There are many ways you can improve your digestive health, like eating more fiber, drinking water, indulging in fermented food, adding regular physical activity to your day, and limiting processed foods, but if you need an extra boost, give mushroom coffee a try.

8. Better sleep

Falling asleep and staying asleep can be tricky, but mushroom coffee might be the solution you’ve been looking for! Say goodbye to restless nights by incorporating reishi mushrooms into your routine. Experts claim that their calming properties can provide almost immediate results, helping you drift off and enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.

Better sleep can lead to improved mood, cognitive function, and overall health, so don’t neglect it. Moreover, it can also help you avoid overeating, have clear and plump skin, and be able to finish all of your daily tasks in no time.

…If we still haven’t convinced you to give this incredible drink a try, keep reading to discover several other health benefits you don’t want to miss!

9. Lots of antioxidants

Mushroom coffee is loaded with antioxidants, especially if you drink a variety made from chaga mushrooms. As you might know, antioxidants help fight free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and lowering the risk of chronic diseases, and who doesn’t want that?

10. Anti-inflammatory properties

Last but not least, mushroom coffee is packed with anti-inflammatory properties. That’s amazing news for anyone dealing with conditions like psoriasis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, or arthritis. It’s a simple way to add a little wellness to your daily routine!

Mushrooms like lion’s mane, chaga, and reishi are packed with beneficial compounds such as peptidoglycans, betulinic acid, erinacines, hericenones, superoxide dismutase, ergosterol, triterpenoids, and polysaccharides. These compounds help reduce inflammation, neutralize free radicals, protect against viruses, boost immunity, and enhance overall health.

If you want to feel more energized, have better sleep, focus, and be more productive, make sure you check out the mushroom coffee we’ve previously talked about! And if you try it, let me know in the comments if you’d like it or not. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts! Until next time, here’s another fantastic post for you: 10 Foods You Should Never Eat As Leftovers

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