Wednesday, March 12

Sweating too Much? It May Be a Sign of These 9 Dangerous Conditions!

sweating too much
Photo by cunaplus from Shutterstock

Harlequin syndrome

You might wish to consult your doctor if you just detect sweating on one side of your body. An uncommon neurological system illness termed Harlequin syndrome “may be indicated by uneven perspiration. Additionally, experts say it can be a sign of a brain tumor, an abscess, or a stroke. So be careful and pay attention to your body and in case you realize you’re sweating too much, quickly get an appointment with your doctor for some detailed investigations.


Sweating and fever may be signs of a bacterial or viral illness, such as malaria, which is typically followed by coughing up blood. To combat the infection that is already present in your body, your brain instinctively raises your body temperature, which causes you to feel chilly and produce heat. This shift in body temperature is what causes a fever. To reduce body temperature and induce perspiration, a fever must thus be broken.
We strongly advise that you consult your doctor right away if you face this for more than two days in a row.

While sweating is perfectly normal for the human body, make sure you also take into consideration the fact that sometimes sweating more than usual may indicate there is something wrong with your health. Have you ever experienced excess sweating? How did you manage to overcome it? Tell us in the comments section.

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