Thursday, March 13

Sweating too Much? It May Be a Sign of These 9 Dangerous Conditions!

sweating too much
Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock

Secondary Hyperhidrosis

You may have secondary hyperhidrosis if you sweat all over your body rather than just in one location, like your face or armpits. Another indicator of this illness is that in addition to sweating, you also get headaches often, feel weary most of the time, and sweat a lot while you sleep at night. For this reason, it’s crucial to consult a dermatologist to find out why this happens.


The majority of individuals experience sweating during the night when it’s warm outside or their sleeping space is too warm. However, if you’re using breathable materials and bedding, maintaining a cool room temperature, and still perspiring a lot at night, you may have a medical problem.

Night sweats might be a symptom of an illness like the flu or TB, or they could be a marker of some cancers like lymphoma.
It could also be brought on by some medication or by hormonal changes like menopause.

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