Tuesday, March 11

10 Body Parts You Are Not Washing Enough

body part
Photo by Quinn Martin from shutterstock.com

7. The back of the neck

When you are in the shower, don’t forget to focus your attention on the back of your neck! This body part is usually moist and warm and if you have longer hair or you exercise on a daily basis, there are more chances for this area to develop bacteria and body mites.

Make sure to wash it with soap and warm water. You can also use a bath sponge or a wet washcloth.

8. The back

You might think that you wash your back enough, given the fact that when you stand in the shower, this body part gets wet and foamy. However, if you want to make sure that this area is as clean as you want it to be, invest in a back scrubber that has a long handle, so you can reach all the difficult spots.

Experts recommend washing this area at least three times a week, to remove all the dead skin cells and reduce the risk of developing skin and soft-tissue infections.

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