Thursday, February 20

4 Popular Supplements With Dangerous Side Effects

Photo by NatchaS from

Vitamin D

One of the most common supplements that people take is vitamin D. Not only is it useful when it comes to aiding calcium absorption by the body, but it is central when it comes to making sure that our bodies are functioning well, especially when it comes to bone health. Some of these vitamins also claim that they can prevent some bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, and that they protect the bones.

The main reason people take this supplement is that, for a multitude of reasons, they cannot absorb enough through food (and it is also close to impossible to get the daily recommended dose through diet alone). However, you can also get the vitamin from sun exposure, but the use of sunblock and the increased time spent indoors prevent us from getting as much in a natural way to begin with.

Why is vitamin D such a testy topic when it comes to research? It is because the results from certain studies and the guidelines in place end up contradicting themselves in some cases, yet the enthusiasm for the supplement has taken over.

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