Saturday, September 7

5 Common Misconceptions About Deodorant You Need to Know NOW!

Misconceptions About Deodorant
Photo by FotoHelin at Shutterstock

What’s an alternative if you still believe the misconceptions about deodorant? Embrace your sweat and ditch the chemicals!

Determining what causes cancer is extremely difficult because it’s a long process that takes years. Regardless, it’s clear that the chemicals in most deodorants cause SOME type of hormone disruption, which is troubling in and of itself.

Also, when you think about the fact that sweating has a natural detoxifying effect, it’s ironic that we continue clogging our sweat glands with various chemicals to prevent that detoxification.

So if you’re among those who wish to stay away from regular deodorants, why not go the more natural route? You can buy natural deodorant online, at most natural food stores, or anywhere you might buy other natural skin care items.

Some popular options include:

…Or you can create your own! Click “Next” to find out how.

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