Friday, September 6

5 Common Misconceptions About Deodorant You Need to Know NOW!

Misconceptions About Deodorant
Photo by Olena Yakobchuk at Shutterstock

Will the parabens in deodorant cause cancer?

For many decades, parabens have been used as a preservative in foods, cosmetics, and toiletries. But in more recent times, apprehensions regarding their safety have been making headlines. So let’s debunk another one of the biggest misconceptions about deodorant about deodorants once and for all.

Even though parabens have been found in breast tumor tissue, there isn’t any proof that the parabens caused the actual cancer. But, more importantly, almost all of the deodorants and antiperspirants that are presently on the market are paraben-free.

So, you can also consider this one of the biggest misconceptions about deodorant and ignore it.

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