Wednesday, March 12

8 Subtle Signs You May Need a Hearing Aid

hearing aid
Photo by Olivier_Le_Moal from Envato Elements

4. Whenever you have a call you turn up the volume

Have you lately found yourself cranking up the volume every time someone calls you? Or even worse you put all the calls on speaker because you can’t hear properly? This is probably one of the subtle signs you may need a hearing aid or a routine check to see if everything is okay.

Your hearing may not be as good as it once was if you find that you watch TV, listen to the radio, or urge others to speak up louder when you are doing so. Additionally, if you notice that you are speaking louder than normal, this is a sign that something is wrong with you. Pay attention to the volume settings, and if the problem persists, ask your ear doctor if you can schedule an appointment.

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