Friday, March 14

8 Subtle Signs You May Need a Hearing Aid

hearing aid
Photo by Motortion Films from Shutterstock

3. You feel like everyone is mumbling

Another warning sign that you may need a hearing aid is when you feel like you can read someone’s lips when they talk but are unable to distinguish the sounds. A narrow spectrum of high-pitched sounds, particularly those made by consonants (such as b, f, s, and t), contribute to the definition of speech. Vowels generate lower-pitched sounds, making it much more difficult to comprehend someone while they are speaking to you if you can’t hear them well. Hearing at high frequencies typically fails first.

To summarize, you will be perfectly able to hear people around you but you won’t be able to understand the words they’re saying. If this worries you, click on the next page to see some other signs that it is time to pay a visit to your ear doctor as soon as possible!

If you need a good-quality hearing aid but aren’t sure where to buy it, you can check out this one from Amazon. Besides having a bargain price, its features are pretty awesome as well: a rechargeable battery, a comfortable design, and an adjustable volume to fit your needs. 

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