Thursday, March 27

5 Vitamin Secrets You’d Only Know if Your Friend Was a Doctor

Photo by Jacek Chabraszewski from Shutterstock

“If you eat fish twice a week, you won’t have to take omega-3 supplements.”

Darius Mozaffarian, MD, the current Dean and Professor at the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy in Boston, recalls how often he was asked about omega-3s. Dr. Mozaffarian is an expert when it comes to unsaturated fatty acids found in different types of fish.

“I tell them that many years of studies only show that eating two meals consisting of fish a week will definitely lower the risk of death from heart disease. But exaggerating won’t make a big difference.” So if you’re wondering if you should take supplements besides these two meals a week, we’ve got the answer.

If you don’t eat fish, then it would be only reasonable to take 1-gram fish oil capsule a day, especially if you’re 40 or suffer from heart disease.” But make sure you don’t take more, as there are studies that have shown how doses over 2 to 3 grams might actually raise levels of LDL cholesterol.

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