Friday, April 26

14 Silent Signs You’ve Already Had COVID-19

Photo by angellodeco from Shutterstock

Your fever and cough weren’t the flu

If you had a fever for a couple of days, with a hacking cough, a constant feeling of exhaustion, and your flu test was negative, then you probably had Covid-19.

At least that’s what Adam Spivak says, MD, an infectious disease doctor at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, mentioning that this year, flu season and the Covid-19 pandemic overlapped.

That’s why, this year, doctors have been overwhelmed by cases of flurona. As Spivak mentions, this year there has been a huge overlap with colds or flu and Covid-19 symptoms, which is why many doctors have emphasized the importance of getting tested for Covid-19.

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8 thoughts on “14 Silent Signs You’ve Already Had COVID-19”

  1. Gee, you mean society actually survived without tests, vaccine and Fauci? At least as people drop dead from the, so called, vaccine it will be declared a spontaneous event unrelated to the CDC, Fauci or governmental incompetence.

    1. by getting vaccinated you help build herd immunity and everyone benefits. You create an umbrella of protection over society that protects the vulnerable.

  2. People who have autoimmune problems will not be able to diferentiate between having had covid or a flair from their issue unless we get tested for the antibodies. Most of us have been experiencing these horrible sympotms for years on a daily basis before covid.

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