Monday, March 31

9 Worst Foods to Eat Before Bedtime

frozen meals
Photo by Robyn Mackenzie from

8. Meat 

Meat should not be consumed before going to bed since it takes longer to digest. Red meat, especially processed beef, is a particularly terrible late-night snack. The problem is that red meat is high in lipids and proteins, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it keeps the body busy breaking them down all night, producing pain and cramps.

Eat nutritious evening snacks to avoid a night of tossing and turning and to keep your systems in check. Because red meat has a stronger insulin response and can raise your risk of type 2 diabetes, it’s best to avoid it in the evening. Instead, a hard-boiled egg might be a better option. But if you still want to eat meat before bedtime, say goodbye to your beloved sleep.

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