Saturday, February 22

8 Common Carcinogens You Might Find in Skincare Products

Image By Alona Siniehina From Shutterstock

#7 Parabens

If there is one boogeyman in the skincare world, it would be the concept of parabens. After all, they are the talk of the town on the list of skincare ingredients that people should definitely avoid, yet they have been found in a ton of products. From spray tan products to shaving creams, from shampoos and moisturizers to even makeup, parabens have been present in a lot of skincare products for decades, yet only recently have they come under scrutiny.

They were added to most products to make sure that there would be no bacteria growing in the products; however, studies have since shown that they are extremely dangerous. Even the FDA has stated that they are aware of studies claiming that parabens are the cause of skin and breast cancer, as well as low sperm count.

This comes from the fact that they disturb endocrines, which in turn alter your hormones and thus affect development, reproduction, and growth!

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