Saturday, February 22

8 Common Carcinogens You Might Find in Skincare Products

Image By Monika Wisniewska From Shutterstock

#3 BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene)

They do have some very complicated names, but this is because they are actually synthetic antioxidants, which are used in products in order to prolong the time they can sit on shelves without anything happening to them. Generally speaking, they are not dangerous; however, if the dosage is not closely monitored, then there is a high chance that they will give people allergic reactions once the product comes into contact with their skin.

To make matters worse, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has already classified BHA as a possible substance that can give humans cancer.

In addition to the allergic reactions or skin rashes that they can cause, studies have shown that mice and rats that have been exposed for long periods to high doses of BHT end up having toxic reactions.

Following the American Cancer Society’s rules, it’s best to be cautious of BHA and BHT, especially since their toxicity is a major red flag.

The most common skincare products that make use of these additives are sunscreen, moisturizers, antiperspirants, and lipstick.

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