Sunday, March 16

4 Acupuncture Benefits for Arthritis You MUST Know

Acupuncture Benefits For Arthritis
Photo by IMAGEN PUNTO DE LUZ at Shutterstock

What are the acupuncture benefits for arthritis?

Lots of individuals who undergo acupuncture treatment to maintain arthritis pain notice improved quality of life. According to experts, acupuncture aids pain relief by stimulating oxytocin and endorphins.

A study performed in 2019 investigated the effectiveness of acupuncture on disability, pain, and quality of life in people with Rheumatoid Arthritis of the hand. The actual method by which acupuncture reduces inflammation and pain remains unclear.

But theories include improving blood flow, anti-inflammatory effects from needle insertion by repressing inflammatory responses, and relaxing muscles.

While acupuncture isn’t a cure and can’t reverse arthritis, it might help manage pain and decrease associated symptoms, especially with other treatment options. Each person tested received one of the following treatments:

-Acupuncture using the TCM method
-Sham acupuncture

The participants receiving treatment using the TCM approach reported the following benefits:

-Better overall health
-Less pain
-Improved hand and arm strength
-Improved quality of life

The above findings indicate that traditional acupuncture could be a beneficial option for those suffering from arthritis of the hands.

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