Wednesday, February 19

What Are the Early Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer After 55?

what are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer
Photo by Ahmet Misirligul from Shutterstock

How is ovarian cancer diagnosed?

After the “What are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer?” question, it follows the “How is ovarian cancer diagnosed?” question. Unfortunately, there is no screening test that can detect this type of cancer in its early stages. Actually, there is no test that can detect this condition. But your doctor can use some tests to determine if the tumor is cancerous or not.

These are the most common tests that are used to detect ovarian cancer:

  • Pelvic exam: The doctor will check your lower abdomen, feel it, and see if there are any changes in the shape and size of your uterus and ovaries.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound: During this procedure, an insurgent that uses sound waves will take a picture of your fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus.
  • CA-125 blood test: This is a test that can determine if there are higher levels of a protein that is often produced by tumors.
  • CT scan: This test helps with the visualization of larger tumors.

You should also read: People Ignore These 10 Cancer Symptoms Until It’s Too Late

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