Thursday, February 20

What Are the Early Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer After 55?

what are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer
Photo by Photoroyalty from Shutterstock

5. Prolonged pain

If you are experiencing pain in your lower abdomen, pelvis area, or lower back, this might be an alarm that something is wrong. And besides other health problems,  this type of pain might indicate the presence of a tumor.

We know that this vague symptom of ovarian cancer can indicate a large number of conditions, but you should pay attention to some specific signs. Ask yourself if this pain is new, if it persists, if it comes and goes, and if it might be caused by these factors.

See how you react when you are less stressed. Does the pain go away? If yes, it might be clear that the pain was caused by the stress. Also, you can try to make some changes to your diet to determine if the pain is caused by a GI problem.

Anyway, the best thing that you can do if you notice any pain in your pelvic area that does not go away is to go to your doctor for a checkup.

What are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer? If this is a problem that has been with you for a while, check out the next page to find out about a rare early symptom.

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