Friday, February 21

The ‘Male Menopause’ Epidemic: 6 Warning Signs You Should Know

Photo by Prostock-studio from Shutterstock

Warning sign no. 1: Extreme fatigue

Nobody is shocked when a man gets exhausted in today’s high-stress world. Men in their 40s and 50s generally have children, are at the peak of their careers, and encounter many pressures they did not confront in their 20s. Of course, you feel tired! But maybe the exhaustion is more than just being tired from daily life.

When you are tired from your daily activities, it usually goes away if you take the necessary steps to improve your situation, such as sleeping enough hours, eating a healthy diet, and so on. 

In the case of exhaustion caused by this condition, even if you make everything better, you will still feel tired. You might notice that you cannot run the same distance or even walk it at a more rapid pace.

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