8 Signs of a Heart Attack Seniors May Feel

Photo by fizkes From Shutterstock

5. Fatigue

While this symptom is not always correlated to a heart attack, it may be possible. This fatigue is caused by the increased strain placed on your heart by increasing blood flow when a region of blood supply is obstructed. Even the simplest things can be difficult or demanding.

Just like chest pain and discomfort, this feeling may arise during an incident but may also begin months before a possible attack.

6. Symptoms of flu

As opposed to men, many women report their cardiac events as flu-like, making it harder to determine whether symptoms truly signal a heart attack. If you observe any of these symptoms, in addition to more common manifestations like chest discomfort, you should contact your health care practitioner or seek medical help.

Women are more likely than males to experience flu-like symptoms. Because of psychological reasons, these warning signs are frequently ignored.

It is easy to overlook regular flu symptoms as something else, but the key point to remember is to pay attention to your body and any additional symptoms you may be experiencing. Family members should still be prioritized, but nothing is more important than your personal well-being.

4 thoughts on “8 Signs of a Heart Attack Seniors May Feel”

  1. I just went through that. however the tired and fatigue continue, I have no energy, still have problems with shortness of breathing. I had been complaining to my primary doctor he didn’t seem concerned. The cardiologist does not seems, concerned with my fatigue I do not know weather they checked my heart thoroughly I still suffer with shortness of breath when I work hard. one thing they were very thorough with the bill, 75,000 for 2 days in the hospital and one meal.

    1. Why are you still seeing these doctors? I have had doctors like that and when I leave their office after a couple appointments, I choose another doctor.

  2. I am 84 years old. For almost 4 years, I have consulted with my PCP,
    complaining of the mentioned symptoms. I even went to ER couple of times.
    Recently, while visiting my Daughter (in a neighboring state) I was finally diagnosed with AFib in the ER. After a week’s stay in the hospital my heart rate was stabilized. I was given a 30 day supply of blood thinners and heart med, discharged and told to return to my PCP for ‘follow-up’.
    My experience has taught me that the medical professionals are too often not as aware of the symptoms of heart problems, as the general public!!

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