Saturday, February 22

C. difficile and 2 Other Drug-Resistant Diseases Seniors Must Watch Out for

drug-resistant diseases
Image By max.ku From Shutterstock

MRSA Symptoms

The most common symptoms of MRSA manifest in the form of red bumps on the skin at the start, but they can end up becoming painful and deep boils or abscesses, which will be full of pus. They will generally be found under the skin, and they will need to be opened and drained, and the only way to do so is through surgical means.

In the event that the drug-resistant disease caused by MRSA is not visible on the skin, it can invade the body and cause infections. We have already mentioned pneumonia, but it can cause a number of other lung infections, along with major infections in the heart, bones, and joints!

Since the discovery of drug-resistant diseases, MRSA has been the most common infection acquired in hospitals. Be careful out there!

However, we should not only be careful when it comes to drug-resistant diseases but also take into consideration the possibility that certain medications we may be taking are harming us. While you should never stop taking any medication that was prescribed to you, you should always read about the possible side effects! Read all about the types of drugs that have been found to potentially cause memory loss in seniors!

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