Saturday, February 22

C. difficile and 2 Other Drug-Resistant Diseases Seniors Must Watch Out for

drug-resistant diseases
Image By Vadi Fuoco From Shutterstock

MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

You may have heard of Staphylococcus aureus before since the pathogen can often be found on healthy people’s skin or inside their noses, but the pathogen is generally harmless. The issue with this bacteria is when it enters an open wound since it can cause an infection. Getting an infection with this bacteria is considered a drug-resistant disease since it is resistant to a number of different antibiotics, including methicillin, hence its name.

A lot of people who end up getting MRSA outside of medical facilities end up getting it from skin infections, while those who end up contracting it inside a hospital or medical center end up having much more severe reactions. The drug-resistant diseases caused by infection with MRSA in a hospital can end up being life-threatening since they can enter the bloodstream, cause pneumonia, and even infect surgical sites!

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