Sunday, September 8

8 Unexpected Signs You Might Have Lung Cancer

lung cancer
Photo by Jarun Ontakrai from Shutterstock

#5 Extreme thirst, frequent urination, and heart problems

Urination is another side effect of hypercalcemia. The more calcium in your circulation, the harder your kidneys have to struggle to filter it out, resulting in more urine. This, in turn, causes chronic thirst and dehydration. You may even believe that you would never be able to satisfy your thirst.

Increased calcium levels can also cause cardiac issues, most often a fast or irregular pulse. Hypercalcemia can lead to severe cardiac difficulties, such as cardiac arrest or coma.

In conclusion, a considerable number of lung cancer patients may develop cardiovascular illness, which is associated with a decreased chance of obtaining any cancer therapy as well as a higher risk of cancer-related mortality.

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