Sunday, September 8

8 Unexpected Signs You Might Have Lung Cancer

lung cancer
Photo by G-Stock Studio from Shutterstock

#4 Digestive problems and weight fluctuations

Some lung cancer tumors produce a protein that functions similarly to the parathyroid hormone, which is produced by the parathyroid gland. Calcium levels in the body are generally regulated by the parathyroid gland and the kidneys.

Hypercalcemia affects 10-20% of persons with lung cancer. Too much calcium in the bloodstream can induce digestive issues such as stomach pains, constipation, or nausea.

People with this disease might suddenly gain or lose weight. Small-cell lung cancer tumors can trigger the body to produce the ACTH hormone. When the body produces too much ACTH, it also produces cortisol, which increases fluid retention and weight gain. Weight loss from lung cancer might occur from a decrease in appetite.

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