Thursday, March 13

Top 10 Best Eating Tips for Seniors

eating tips
Photo by Ground Picture From Shutterstock

1. Drink more water

Among other eating tips, drinking water is probably the most important habit every senior should have. In order to stay hydrated throughout the day, even if you don’t feel really thirsty, drink at least half a gallon of water. And if you don’t like the taste of plain water, you can indulge it with a few slices of lemon, grapefruit, or orange, depending on which fruit you like the most. Besides drinking the necessary amount of water per day, you will also get vitamin C from the fruits.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables

When it comes to eating tips, if you want to be sure your plate is made of healthy foods, make it as colorful as possible! Fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a balanced diet since they are high in fiber and amazing plant components. These foods have been demonstrated to lower blood pressure, prevent digestive problems, cut the risk of heart disease and stroke, and even fight cancer.

That’s amazing since seniors can develop all these diseases more easily than others. You can choose from fresh fruits, canned fruits, or frozen fruits, and if slicing sounds like a hassle, look for pre-sliced fruits and veggies.

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