Thursday, February 20

6 Recommended Health Screenings for Seniors After 50

Recommended Health Screenings For Seniors
Photo by kurhan at Shutterstock

Blood pressure

How it works: When you visit your doctor, a pressurized cuff is placed on your upper arm to check your blood pressure. The number should be lower than 130/80. If the first number is 130 or higher, your doctor might suggest that you change your diet, exercise more, check your blood pressure regularly at home, or take medication to lower your blood pressure.

Why you need it: Almost half of the adults in the US with high blood pressure or hypertension don’t even know that their blood pressure is elevated, reports the American Heart Association.

That’s why it’s known as “the silent killer,” among the most essential recommended health screenings for seniors. According to CDC data, it’s the primary cause of death for nearly 500,000 Americans yearly.

The AHA states that the date on your birth certificate is its risk factor for high blood pressure. As you get older, your blood vessels slowly begin to lose some of their elasticity. That contributes to increased blood pressure and raises your stroke or heart attack risk.

Fortunately, a blood pressure check is perhaps the most straightforward screening on our list. It’s a routine part of your annual checkup and another good reason not to put off that appointment.

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