Tuesday, March 18

Watch Out for These 6 Subtle Signs of Dental Implant Failure

dental implant failure
Photo by sruilk at Shutterstock

1. Receding gums

Receding gums can be caused by many conditions, but if you know that you have a dental implant, this could be one of the signs of dental implant failure.

The gums are that soft, pink tissue that covers the roots of your teeth and your implant posts. But how do you know if you have receding gums? It is simple: if you notice that your teeth seem longer or that suddenly you can see one of your metallic posts that is supposed to be under your gum line, then they are clear.

This might be caused by an infection known as peri-implantitis, which manifests in other similar gum diseases. Never let this condition go untreated because if you do, in time it will deteriorate your jawbone and gums, and the support of your implants will be much weaker.

If you notice that your gums are receding, visit your dentist immediately because this is a sign of dental implant failure.

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