COVID Right Now! 6 Things Everyone Should Know

covid right now
Photo by CROCOTHERY from Shutterstock

What is happening to COVID right now? Since May 11, the nationwide state of emergency has ended, but does this mean that COVID is gone? In California, the state of emergency ended even earlier, in February. Also, the nationwide COVID tracking program that was led by Johns Hopkins University was shut down in March.

It seems that things have settled down for once, right? Yes, it is true that things are more relaxed now, but be aware that COVID-19 is not gone. It is true that the number of cases and deaths is slowly but steadily decreasing, but keep in mind that there are some folks who still test positive. This happens mainly because the restrictions have ended and people are not wearing masks anymore, so it is easier to transmit the virus.

Read on and find out about the latest protocols that you should follow if you have two lines on your COVID test.

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