Thursday, February 20

6 Subtle Signs of Calcium Deficiency in Seniors

Photo by BEAUTY STUDIO from Shutterstock

6. Brittle Nails and Bad Skin

Extremely low amounts of calcium often result in dry skin and brittle nails. That’s because nails are made up of hardened keratin, which contains a significant level of calcium. However, in the case of calcium deficiency, nails tend to have a slightly different texture.

Insufficient amounts of calcium in the body can lead to brittle and dry nails that break, split, or peel off easily. These symptoms tend to be overlooked, but it’s important to pay attention to your nails as they can indicate underlying health conditions and issues, such as calcium deficiency.

Also, people with chronically low calcium levels tend to be more prone to certain skin problems. Usually, in the case of hypocalcemia, the skin becomes itchy and dry. Moreover, researchers have actually found a link between calcium deficiency and skin issues like psoriasis and eczema. Symptoms include itchiness, redness, and skin blisters.

Keep in mind that these symptoms don’t necessarily indicate that you’re not getting enough calcium. That’s why it’s important to seek medical help to get an accurate diagnosis.

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