Thursday, February 20

6 Subtle Signs of Calcium Deficiency in Seniors

Photo by Prostock-studio from Shutterstock

2. You’re Exhausted All the Time

Hypocalcemia can result in fatigue. But it’s important to note that this isn’t just run-of-the-mill exhaustion. According to doctors, lacking a healthy amount of calcium can lead to a persistent state of low energy, meaning you feel tired and weak all the time. Also, calcium deficiency symptoms tend to be less obvious and more likely to be long-term than those of other nutrient deficiencies.

As you begin to develop hypocalcemia, you may notice that you have difficulty doing everyday tasks. This symptom can easily be mistaken for fatigue associated with a variety of other factors, such as sleep quality, energy levels, overall nutrition, or physical activity levels.

Fatigue related to calcium deficiency is characterized by lightheadedness, brain fog, difficulty focusing, confusion, and dizziness. Since your nerves and muscle fibers require calcium, not having enough of this essential mineral depletes sources of calcium stores, causing lethargy and exhaustion.

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