Friday, February 14

Placebo Medication: What If Your Doctor Tricks You With Fake Meds?

Things Medicare Doesn’t Cover medication
By Drazen Zigic from Shutterstock


Genes also have an influence on how patients react to placebo treatments. As a matter of fact, lots of people are genetically predisposed to react to placebos. One study even discovered that people with a gene variant that codes for higher levels of the brain chemical dopamine are expected to react differently to the placebo effect compared to those with a low-dopamine version.

Even more, people with the high-dopamine version of the same gene tend to have higher levels of pain perception and reward seeking.

The Nocebo effect

Contrarily, some individuals might experience more side effects as a response to the placebo, or as a response that’s sometimes known as the “nocebo effect.” For instance, a patient might suffer from headaches, nausea, or even dizziness after taking the placebo medication.

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