Monday, March 31

10 Things Sugar Does to Your Body

Image By Roman Samborskyi From Shutterstock

#1 Sugar Will Not Help You If You’re Hungry

It may sound like a great idea to snack on something sweet when you’re craving something to eat or when you’re actually hungry, yet, we’re here to let you know that they won’t do much. Anything with a lot of sugar will not have enough nutrients and you will be feeling hungry very soon after snacking on anything sweet.

Not to mention, any sweet drink will end up making you feel hungry quite fast. So if you’re getting a sweetened energy drink you’re actually just drinking sweet calories: the sugar in liquid form is not satiating at all, and not only will you be left feeling hungry, but you will also end up consuming way more calories than you would want. And if you’re paying attention to your diet, or have to stick to a regiment when it comes to calories, drinking these things will throw off your numbers.

Grab some hummus and carrot sticks or plain yogurt instead.

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